HQ / Haifa, Israel
HQ / Tel Aviv, Israel
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We SEA What’s Important

A top priority for XT Group is the balance between the three dimensions of sustainable development: Social Justice, Economic Prosperity, Environmental Protection

A Sustainable Future As A Global Goal

Sustainability is a strategic imperative for all XT Group entities. We act responsibly, adhere to the highest standards of ethical conduct and take a focused and integrated approach to achieving our environmental and social goals. It is our mission to incorporate these practices into every aspect of our business, fostering a better future for our company and our planet.

A Message from our CEO

XT has been extremely active over the last two years. We've sold some old ships and acquired new ones that are more modern and ecological. All our new ships are up to date and state of the art, not only in terms of design and capacity, but especially in terms of technology and reduced emissions. Our fleet is now younger and much more environmentally friendly. We try to stay ahead of mandatory rules and regulations, to strengthen our commitment to the environment and use it as a compass for our activities.

Shipping is the most efficient global transport method. We are now part of a transitioning world, more aware, sensitive and environmentally conscious. We continue to research and develop cutting-edge procedures and equipment as part of our ongoing efforts to reduce emissions and our impact on the environment. Decarbonization is and continues to be a priority in our operations, climate change is one of the biggest threats to humanity and the shipping industry has a critical role in supporting the environment and reducing pollution. We fully appreciate our responsibility, and we intend to be leaders in this effort.

Ori Angel, CEO

Net Zero Emissions by 2050

At XT, we run our business consistently with our environmental goals; we aspire to cause no damage, reduce global emissions and provide safe and sustainable marine transportation. Our ongoing commitment to environmental protection has resulted in technical and operational improvements to our vessels and operations, thus enabling us to meet and exceed Net Zero 2050 environmental requirements.


Sustainability accounting standards board (SASB) for Marine transportation

The report discloses information for the SASB's maritime industry specific metrics, as these are depicted through the relevant standards.


UN Sustainable development goals (SDGS)

We align company strategies with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (2015) to end poverty, fight inequality and injustice and tackle climate change by 2030.


The poseidon principles reporting requirements

The Poseidon Principles provide a framework for integrating climate considerations into lending decisions to promote international shipping’s decarbonization.

Our strategy aligns with IMO's commitment to reduce GHG from shipping by 50% by 2050. In order to meet goals, we've replaced old vessels with eco-friendly ones and implemented technical improvements to reduce CO2 emissions. We adhere to the Poseidon Principles by collecting environmental data per vessel and staying transparent. We're constantly reviewing our ecological ambitions and we’re looking for areas where we can courageously raise the bar.

Economic Prosperity and Safe Trade

Our business’ success lies within the trust our stakeholders have in our company. We ensure this through responsible corporate governance, best practices and compliance requirements, one of which is our Global Code of Ethics. We drive performance improvements and enable better, sustainable decision making through transparency and accountability. Having established standard operating procedures through our Code and Policies, we have created a culture of accountability, transparency, integrity and compliance throughout our organization in order to ensure that our operations are consistent with environmental and safety laws, regulations and requirements.

We SEA Our People

ΧT has adopted a people-centered approach and its employees are treated with equality and respect. Ensuring the health, safety, training and general well-being of our employees is our top priority, both ashore and at sea. In this context, we take all necessary measures to ensure that every employee feels safe and comfortable at work. We also ensure that each employee is exposed to minimal health, environmental, technical or operational risks. We appreciate the fact that being away from home takes its toll, so we invest in advanced tech and social networks o/b our vessels to help our crew feel closer while they're away.

Giving Back to Move Forward

As a company, we are committed to supporting and strengthening the community. By giving back and staying in touch with the people around us, we show XT's respect and interest in the future generation and their opportunities to develop. Education, healthcare, sports, science, charity and social networking are all part of XT's commitment to our community.

Visit XT's community page for more information.

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